VENETRIA MOON RA: HulaRoots Music Video
HoopYogini™️ (HY) helps you gain the fitness required, to live the life of your dreams! - HY Mantra HoopYogini™️ is a wellness transformational fitness Series integrating hula hooping with hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation. With HoopYogini ™️ so...
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VENETRIA MOON RA: HulaRoots Music Video
HoopYogini™️ (HY) helps you gain the fitness required, to live the life of your dreams! - HY Mantra
HoopYogini™️ is a wellness transformational fitness Series integrating hula hooping with hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation. With HoopYogini ™️ some things you’ll experience are:
Toning the core
Improving your posture
Encourages weight loss
Supports bone health through gentle, weight bearing exercise
Encourages a healthy heart through low impact, cardiovascular fitness
Massages the internal organs through the rotation of the hoop around the body
Reduces stress and releases feel good hormones - raising your vibration
Supports left and right brain hemispheric communication
Promotes neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to change over a lifetime
Activates your Life Force Energy
Clears the electromagnetic field around the body
In my opinion, you’ll have lots of fun!
Visit us TODAY!
Categories: Lifestyle