PASSA PASSA in Jamaica feat. ACTIVE DANCERS: an NHK documentary
Join the "A" team as we journey into Kingston, Jamaica and land right in the heart of the excitement; we profile one of Jamaica's finest dance groups - ACTIVE. | The crowd partied from midnight to 11 am the next morning!! DP/CAMERAMAN: Robin C. Adam...
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PASSA PASSA in Jamaica feat. ACTIVE DANCERS: an NHK documentary
Join the "A" team as we journey into Kingston, Jamaica and land right in the heart of the excitement; we profile one of Jamaica's finest dance groups - ACTIVE. | The crowd partied from midnight to 11 am the next morning!!
DP/CAMERAMAN: Robin C. Adams
SOUNDMAN: Kozo Max Uesugi
Categories: Documentary
Director: Miho Sakai
Starring: Active Dancers