NY Mondo Collection: From Film to Gender Bender
From 1996 to 1999, this cult hit series was the best show on Japanese Television hosted by TV producer, David Pena. 36+ episodes. some never seen before. more than 50 hours of programming. Now, for the first time in HISTORY, we're bringing back a fe...
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NY Mondo Collection: From Film to Gender Bender
From 1996 to 1999, this cult hit series was the best show on Japanese Television hosted by TV producer, David Pena.
36+ episodes. some never seen before. more than 50 hours of programming.
Now, for the first time in HISTORY, we're bringing back a few episodes.
You must see it to believe it - enjoy the ride!
Directed by David Pena. Produced by Robin C. Adams and David Pena.
Originally aired on SkyPERFECtv Japan.
Categories: Entertainment