HORRIBLYRIGHT | Human (official music video)
“Human” - the first single from the new Horriblyright album, Conjure the Cure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Website: https://www.horriblyright.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/horriblyrigh...
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HORRIBLYRIGHT | Human (official music video)
“Human” - the first single from the new Horriblyright album, Conjure the Cure.
Website: https://www.horriblyright.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/horriblyright
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/horriblyright
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/con...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5V6X0v...
We fall in love with youth, which is destined to fade
Wouldn't it be nice if we loved more than a face?
As time goes on, we learn to appreciate
the mind, the truth of the human race
I find myself unwilling to try
To broken promises, I say goodbye
Love and heartache feel similar
The organ inside isn't helping me steer
The fabricators embellishing our surroundings
Will we awaken and see what all of this means?
Aging really isn’t learning
We accept and forget, but stay the same person
You turn on a dime
Bring chaos when life is fine
Executed improperly,
you've shamed and persecuted me
This doom isn't worth the wait, so
burn this witch at the stake
Projecting images of your self-hatred
This is your lesson
Take what you will from it
Would we rather be dead than alone?
Will we pay the price as we grow old?
I'm remembering all the things you've said
Are they soon to be a distant MEMORY?
© 2018 Steven Riccio & Jaime Ileana Sargent
℗ 2018 Steven Riccio & Jaime Ileana Sargent
Categories: Music
Starring: Horribly Right